Going, Going, Gone, the Motels of Las Vegas 2018 update

This is the first of a series of articles on motels of Nevada.    As motels in Nevada’s major metropolitan areas are being paved over, the important role they played in the development of the state’s hospitality industry is also being lot.

While still alive and well in places like Boulder City, and communities along Interstate 80, and smaller tourist destinations in Nevada, the fight for survival is a daily battle.

The focus of this article is a short overview on the status of motels in Las Vegas.

Continue reading “Going, Going, Gone, the Motels of Las Vegas 2018 update”

Leon and Nell Oakes  – Las Vegas Photographers 1920s-1940s Part One

In 1921, the husband and wife team of photographers, Leon and Nell Oakes arrived in Las Vegas.   For nearly a quarter century the Oakes name would be connected to photography in southern Nevada.

This is part one of a series of articles on their live and their photographs, which include more than monthly updates of the construction of Hoover Dam.

Continue reading “Leon and Nell Oakes  – Las Vegas Photographers 1920s-1940s Part One”