New Chair, Funds for historic Las Vegas High School and Motor Courts Studies approved

The City of Las Vegas Historic Preservation Commission (H.P.C.) met today, January 24, and elected a new chair and vice chair.

By unanimous vote the commission elected Claytee White, Director of the Oral History Research Center for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Nevada, as the new chair.

More details on White’s background can be found here – .


The commission also approved a budget that included funds, up to $25, 000, to update the more than 50 year old Las Vegas High School Federal and Las Vegas Register of Historic Places.

1930 Photograph of high school shortly after it opened.

Rare 1940’s Las Vegas High School decal.

In addition the board also approved up to $35,000 to study historic motor courts (motels) of Las Vegas in downtown Las Vegas as well as along Las Vegas Boulevard within the city limits.

The two studies will be completed this year.  More details on the timing of the two studies will be presented at the next meeting of the H.P.C.

1955 Artist Rendering of the Moulin Rouge Hotel-Casino 

sold as post card in the resorts gift shop.

The commission also drafted a letter that will be sent to any new owners of the site where the historic Moulin Rouge Hotel-Casino stood.  The final version of the letter will be reviewed and acted on at the February meeting of the H.P.C.

The letter will address the “incredible History associated with the site,” and the commission’s willingness to assist in making sure there is  significant, and visible recognition of the Moulin Rouge on the site, located on 840 West Bonanza Road.

Original 1955 advertisement featuring Joe Louis, who was given a percentage of the resort to act as the host.

The H.P.C. meets on the last Wednesday of each month at noon in the City Clerk’s conference room on the second floor of the Las Vegas City Hall.

At today’s meeting the commission also elected Robert Stoldal, aka Captain History, as Vice Chair.

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